TMN Survey Group Association
Webster House
207 Longlands Road
Sidcup, Kent DA15 7JH
United Kingdom
Officers of the Association:
Huib Ort, Iain Mellors, Kirsten Trocha
Contact details TMN member Iran:
Zakian Surveying & Appraisal Services L.L.C
Unit 56 A, First Floor, Building No. 10,
Se Khabeha, Hormuzan Complex,
Azad University Boulevard,
Bandar Abbas, Iran
(All correspondences will be Through
Head Office In Dubai - UAE)
Head Office:
P.O. Box: 282403 -
Dubai - UAE (United Arab Emirates)
Mob. (UAE): +971 507 482 424
Tel. (UAE): +971 552 127 797
Fax (UAE): +971 435 496 55
Covering All Ports and Cities of the Country.
TMN - Iran